Sophie In The Buttercups

Posted by: Sophie

Apr 21, 2014

A few years ago, I came outside and discovered that my yard was COVERED in buttercups. So I called my best friend, who had been talking about doing a shoot for me for several years, and this was the result. She's approved a number for upload, and I'm trying to talk her into letting me upload some of the ones she did for her husband.

Recent Comments for Sophie In The Buttercups (25)
  • love those tits
  • THANKS! You rock!
  • Mmm, would love to spend a few hours pleasuring EVERY inch of your incredible body with my fingers, tongue and cock until we both came several times and passed out from exhaustion. Feel free to send more pics to hardnrockin@, I'll tribute them and email back.
  • Yeah, she's not making direct contact with folks. If your question isn't too creepy, ask it here, and I can pass it along or answer myself.
  • Hello Sophie, I had to laugh when I saw this contri, I was walking through a field of rape seed a few days ago and was wondering how amazing it would be to make love in it, the aroma was so sweet and the flowers so pretty - then I find you here! My favourite is 3rd, 5th and 6th with you looking coyly into the camera, you are a very beautiful women and I love your hair! I wondered if it is possible to ask you a question about your post? If so please drop me a message to mrh1974@. Thanks Michael.
  • I would like to lock the butter of your cup!!
  • great set of tits like to see more pics of you @
  • The beauty of Mother Nature expressed very well, times two.
  • Beautiful girl, love the ink. Just need closeups next time. SUPERB!
  • Speaking as the photographer-- that actually sounds really awesome.
  • Trying to talk her into letting me post those shots.
  • Hope you don't think that comment matters at all to her.
  • They're coming. :)
  • Actually, the only problem she had was a very light sunburn.
  • Doesn't that make you itchy alll over laying in that field?


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