TO COMPLETE THE THOUGHT FROM 4 YEARS AGO : Waste time, lose money, pound sand, suck wind, dry hustle! No nudity = EPIC FAIL! Next contestant please! . Right you are, Zuffen! Right you are!
I look at the entries that get negative comments just to see the comments. Negative comments say more about the commenter than anything else. Their thoughts are not pretty. Women probably avoid them.
woodstockone, Dickie8, you have a choice. If you see a entry that says Selma Brasil, and you don't want to see her ass, don't look at the entry. If you choose to look, THEN STFU, ASSHOLES!! No one cares what YOU want to see! And Grabby, Lam, Nam, and 45, since negative is pretty much all you can give, STFU ahead of time!
Okay, by now everybody knows that Selma Brasil has an ass. A big, round ass that's pretty nice. But just how many pictures of her ass do we need to see? Does she have anything else to offer? If not, then "Enough"!
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Selma Brasil: In My House
Posted by: Selma Brasil
My delicious bikinis.